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Bolt EUV Kirkwood Ski Trip with Topper Dec 2023 Posted on December 27, 2023 19:42:15.

Bolt EUV Kirkwood Ski Trip with Topper and 4 people
Battery still limited to 80% capacity
Dec 18-21 2023


3.1 mi/kWh flat and warmer
2.7 kWh/1,000' climb measured
sanity check: it takes about 1.7 kWh to lift 4620 lbs 1,000' so this infers only 65% efficiency from the battery to the wheels
so with brushless DC being ~85% the drive train to the wheels seems lowvbut in the ball park
-2.4 kWh/1000' drop measured
regen doesn't recapture 100% of what is overexpended going uphill

47 kWh available due to 80% factory restriction due to battery recall and lower winter temperatures; 58 kWh est when restrition is lifted.
Yellow light comes on at 34 miles or ~36.4 kWh used, target usage.
Flat usable range estimate 36.4 kWh x 3.2 mi/kWh = 116 miles; better without topper, in summer, and when we get our full capacity back.
Driving 189 miles up 6,047' net to South Lake Tahoe would take ~61 kWh if flat plus ~16.3 more kWh to climb = 77.3 kWh = 2.1x usable range.
Driving 207 miles up 7,500' net to Kirkwood via highway 50 takes ~64.7 kWh if flat plus ~20.3 more kWh to climb = 85 kWh = 2.4x usable range.
Driving straight from Pollack Pines to Kirkwood would be 61.7 miles up 3,710' net would be 19.3 kWh if flat and 10.0 kWh to climb = 29.3 kWh vs. 36.4 kWh usable, 20% margin, assuming we can get over the pass.
To get from Pollack PInes to Carson Pass is 59.3 miles and 4,672' would be 18.5 kWh if flat and 12.6 kWh to climb = 31.1 kWh vs. 36.4 kWh usable, 15% margin to usable, 34% margin to "80%" capacity pack, 47% mrgin for "100%" capacity pack.
Could not make it from Folsom to Kirkwood. It took 22 kWh to get from Folsom to Pollack Pines, but it will take 31.1 kWh to get from Pollack Pines to Carson Pass so this would be 53.1 kWh, much more than the usable 36.4 kWh.
Sacramento to Kirkwood via highway 88 is 101 miles which would be 31.6 kWh if flat and starting 26' the 7,664' climb would take an additional 20.7 kWh, totalling 52.3 kWh vs. 36.4 kWh usable. But level 2 charging for a couple of hours in Jackson that is 56 miles away from Kirkwood and at 1,217' is 6,473' below it, it would take 17.5 kWh if flat plus coincidentally also 17.5 kWh to climb totalling 35 kWh which is just below the 36.4 kWh usable range, so probably could be done but with less margin. But the driving distance is only 20 miles shorter via Jackson and driving time is only 10 minutes shorter, so slow charging would probably add 1-2 hours to the trip, more energy efficient but a lot longer.

Start in Santa Rosa

80% capacity
ODO 42641
170 mi est range
51 degrees




Outlets Electrify America
43 mi range est
107.1 mi traveled
23% left
34.1 kWh used
1% climate; was 6% max when heater was set higher
150 mi range calculated
58 degrees
Charged for 25 min from 53 kW down to 43 kW up to 58%, 30 mins left to 80%, 120 mi est range
>> baseline: 3.2 mi/kWh at 30' net climb at ~55 degrees; at 52 kW = 166 mile range nominal vs. 150 calculated, 10% wintertime degradation, so assume 47 kWh available

Pollack Pines

Safeway EVGo
44 mi range est
1.7 mi/kWh
37.5 mi traveled
81 mi range calculated
48 degrees
28% left
Starting at 44 kW added 31.56 kWh to est 150 mi range
>> 1.7 mi/kWh at 3,760' net climb at ~47 degrees; at 52 kW = 88 mile range nominal vs. 81 mi calculated, 8% wintertime degradation - may have been running hotter uphill
>> if flat and warmer would have taken 37.5 mi / 3.2 mi/kWh = 11.7 kWh but it took 37.5 mi / 1.7 mi/kWh = 22 kWh so 10.3 extra kWh to go up 3,760' net or 2.8 kWh per 1,000'

Echo Summit

19.1 kWh used
35.1 mi from Pollack Pines
1.9 mi/kWh
4% climate

South Lake Tahoe

Big 5
44.1 mi from Pollack Pines
20 kWh used from Pollack Pines
2.2 mi/kW from Pollack Pines
5% climate
41 degrees
45% left
est range not recorded
Charged starting at 53 kW up to 76% using 20.66 kWh, 142 mi est range, took 34 min
>> 2.2 mi/kWh at 2,357' net climb at ~45 degrees; at 52 kW = 114 mile range nominal
>> if flat and warmer would have taken 44.1 mi / 3.2 mi/kWh = 13.8 kWh but it took 44.1 mi / 2.2 mi/kWh = 20.0 kWh so 6.2 extra kWh to go up 2,357' net or 2.6 kWh per 1,000', similar to 2.8 kWh estimate above

Luther Pass

7,740', then only slight downhill to 89/88 junction

Carson Pass



96 mi est range left
31.6 mi from South Lake Tahoe
2.3 mi/kWh
~55% left
calclated range 127 miles
Plugged in to 120V in garage and charged overnight, was there 3 nights, 141 mile range estimate
>> 2.3 mi/kWh at 1,453' net climb at ~41 degrees; at 52 kW = 119 mile range nominal vs. 141 mile range mi calculated, the final downhill must have messed up the range estimate
>> if flat and warmer would have taken 31.6 mi / 3.2 mi/kWh = 9.88 kWh but it took 31.6 mi / 2.3 mi/kWh = 13.7 kWh so 3.86 extra kWh to go up 1,453' net or 2.7 kWh per 1,000', similar to 2.8 and 2.6 kWh estimates above


Altamont Pass

East side 86 mi range 40% xxx90 miles
Top 65 mi range 40% xxx96 miles
West side 66 mi range 35% xxx98 miles


61 mi range left
29.3 kWh used
5.1 mi/kWh
149.4 mi from Kirkwood
210.4 mile range calculated
60 degrees
1% climate
After charge 165 mi range est 43012 ODO
>> if flat and warmer would have taken 149.1 mi / 3.2 mi/kWh = 46.6 kWh but it took 149.1 mi / 5.1 mi/kWh = 29.2 kWh so 17.4 less kWh to go down 7,339' net or 2.4 kWh per 1,000', a little lower than the 2.6 to 2.8 kWh estimates above, probably due to regen being less efficient than climbing.

Santa Rosa

Only 3 of us; kids drove home vs. Dad drove the rest of the trip
52 mi range
30% left
87.6 mi
3.0 mi/kWh, 6% worse than drive out to Folsom even with 1 less person in the car, possibly due to more agressive driving style of younger drivers
43100 ODO
2% climate