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2017-12-22 e-Golf Drive To Truckee Posted on December 27, 2017 14:24:16.
Left Santa Rosa 2:30 PM, both thermostats 65F, 1392 ODO.
Arrived at Roseville Whole Foods 5:15 PM, 18% charge, 1502 ODO, 25 mile range. Fast charged while eating dinner at Whole Foods. 69% charge after 30 minutes.
Arrived in Colfax 6:35 PM, 29% charge, 1536 ODO. Fast charged on rightmost charger successfully this time, compared to it failing when driving up for Thanksgiving. Left with 13/16 charge at 7:09 PM.
Arrive Nyack Shell 7:38 PM after overshooting 1 exit, 43% charge, 1562 ODO. Left at 8:13 PM with 87% charge. Kingvale was offline!
Arrive at Tahoe Donner 8:50 PM, 9/16 charge, 1594 ODO, 55 mi range. Total time 6:20, drive time 4:40, charge time 1:40. Took 3 stops this time, probably due to being colder than at Thanksgiving; forgot to record temperature this time.